See What Your Home’s Worth!

Powell River Market in Transition

Powell River Real Estate market is transitioning. The volume of sales is down but lack of inventory is keeping prices from falling. While the market is shifting, it is more important than ever to use a professional REALTOR to best protect your interests and negotiate a sale.

Want to know what your house is worth in this market? Call me for a free market evaluation 604-483-6345 or fill out the form below!

If you are interested in selling your home and would like me to assist you, please fill in the following evaluation and it will be e-mailed to me. I will contact you within 24 hours to set-up an appointment at your convenience. Thank you, Neil

First Name*

Last Name*




Mailing Address If Different

Age (Approximate)

Square Footage

Number Of Bedrooms

Number Of Bathrooms


Tell Me About Your Home:
